1. We believe that the newest media can support and enhance the oldest, most sophisticated of art forms.
2. We believe that art can only be truly appreciated within a sympathetic, real visual space where you can see and experience the colour, texture and ambition of the artist.
3. We believe, however, we can provide an alternative, virtual platform for the most innovative and thought-provoking art - a valid, if surrogate, experience
4. We believe the web provides an opportunity for an artist to reach out to a far wider audience - to inform and to excite and, in turn, for the audience to grasp and explore the motivation of the artist
5. We believe that all arts are highly interactive and interrelated, there is intertextuality everywhere, there is correspondence in everything, and without this no art lives for a moment to tease us out of thought.
6. We believe that art can go a long way to foster relationships between countries and between cultural communities to create a natural environment for the flourishing of sustainable cultural industries based on the knowledge economy.