How does art influence Sustainability?
Sustainability is the process of maintaining the energy levels by effective environmental use of the natural resources and human creativity and innovation.
A sustainable world is a world based on harmony, concord and a unified consciousness that expresses itself at every possible moment in time.
It can be through the medium of painting or other visual arts or at a literary or academic level or at a scientific and technological level in industry and corporate affairs.
Art is the inner manifestation of man’s energy to capture the sanctity of peace and universal delight that is embodied in the earthly consciousness, in matter and in spirit.
To make sustainability work, we must first understand the point of view of others and work selflessly to harmonize all differences and achieve the condition of equality for all engaging partners, stakeholders and clients and the people.
To know the ways of nature, is to understand the privilege of living in it and evoluting and adapting ourselves, our needs and demands according to the sovereign taste of its guiding light, knowledge and principle. It’s the evolving consciousness that drives our future towards a more secured space uninhibited by anything that disrupts this process of transformation and change.
If we can change ourselves, we can definitely change the world and that will make all the difference.